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„Your career starts on the first day of college!”


Szent István University has been providing its services to students and recent graduates through its network of Career Offices since 2010.
The name of the office was first changed as of February 1, 2017 from which time it was known as the Talent Development and Career Office, assisting students in their integration and advancement during higher education plus in career planning after graduation.
The Student Services Center of Szent István University was established on February 1, 2020 with the aim of helping students during their academic years, supporting them from university enrollment to entering the labor market, and providing high-quality, uniform student services to all students. Provide up-to-date and accurate information on student benefits available at the university, dormitory status, career planning, talent management, and sports opportunities, sporting events and competitions.
The Center also provides a kind of transformation between the operation of the university, its services, specialties and the needs of the students.
The Center tries to answer the students' questions, and within the minimum time - with the help of our colleagues - the student can reach the university staff member, administrator, organizational unit relevant to the question.
Please contact us with confidence! We also welcome your comments and suggestions so that we can work together to provide student services in the best quality and standard.


Our services:

  • Individual career counseling for active students, facilitating student integration and future entering the labor market (Counseling types are the following: CV and motivation letter counseling in Hungarian and foreign languages, job search counseling, preparation for a job interview, career planning, life management counseling)
  • Career guidance and career counseling, organization of trainings, lectures and trainings to support entering the labor market
  • Providing publications to assist graduates
  • Organizing Career Days and programs
  • Providing lectures, trainings and services to help employment
  • Organizing company presentations, introductions and workplace visits
  • Ensuring networking and liaison between students, employers and the university
  • Advertising job postings and internship opportunities, operation of an information website (www.hszk.szie.hu)
  • Coordinating the surveys of the Graduate Career Tracking System, publishing the results of the research
  • Organizing and supporting the university'sTDK (Scientific Students' Associations) meetings and university events of national TDK conferences, performing administrative and coordination tasks related to the financing of university TDK conferences
  • Performing tasks related to the registration and administration of colleges for advanced studies
  • Assisting the daily lives of students living in the dormitories of the university
  • Supporting the organization of university sports
  • Provision of services related to the activities above, as well as administrative support to the operation of the University Talent Management Council
All services provided by the Student Services Center are free of charge.
Our office aims to help you prepare for the future!
How to apply for individual counseling?
Appointments can be booked at the e-mail address hszk.info@szie.hu


Vocational colleges and academic students are important pillars of talent development.
Talent management pursues two basic goals, simultaneously providing manpower for the innovative economic market and supply for the scientific society.
The operational body of the Senate of Szent István University is the University Talent Management Council.
Further information:

